Welcome to our Super Sneaky Coupon Code page! This page appears throughout the year to bring our customers super sneaky or surprising coupon codes!
Holiday Season 2023 Coupon Codes
Unless otherwise published or updated, all coupon codes on this page will be valid and usable until January 1, 2024. All deals are valid while supplies last or until January 1, 2024, whichever comes first. So shop early and often!
- BLACKFRIDAYSTUFFACUBE – 75% off all Stuff-a-Cube boxes!
Upcycle with the best fabric in the world! - BLACKFRIDAYJAPANESECOTTON – 40% off all Japanese cotton!
Our best discount EVER!! - BLACKFRIDAYMONO – 25% off all kimono and obi!
- Kimono and obi sets (yes, even furisode sets!)
- Yukata and obi sets
- Individual kimono
- Wedding kimono
- Individual obi (yes, even fukuro obi!)
- Our “Pike Piece Special” (Kimono that were loved a bit harder than most but are still gorgeous and perfect for display/cosplay)
- BLACKFRIDAYHAIR – 10% off all professionally handmade hair pieces!
- Clips (including bunnies, butterflies, and more!)
- Combs (Including chirimen crepe and silk flowers!)
- Claws (Including butterflies!)
- BLACKFRIDAYKITSUKE – 15% off off all kimono accessories!
- Obijime
- Obiage
- Tabi Socks
- Beaded Haori Himo
- Haori Himo Grab Bags
- All your standard kitsuke items!
- BLACKFRIDAYKIMONOCUTS – 10% off all Kimono Fabric Cuts!
Includes all silk, synthetic, wool, and cotton bundles! - BLACKFRIDAYBAGS – 10% off all bags and purses!
Always Active Coupons
- Our Secret Stash coupon, which grants 5% off your entire order, on top of existing coupons! But you must be a part of Tangerine Mountain Secret Stash on Facebook to know the code, so get thee over to ye olde book of faces to get the code!
- LOCALPICKUP: Free local pickup at our showroom (5420 Newport Drive, Unit 59, Rolling Meadows, IL). Note: pickups must be scheduled in advance because we do not have fixed hours and are not always there during what Americans consider “normal business hours.” Normal is just a setting on the dryer, anyway.
- FFAPICKUP: Free local pickup for your order at Fast Food Anime (53 W. Golf Road, Arlington Heights, IL). Once you get an email that your order is complete, it will be available during regular store hours at FFA. Note: if the pickup person is not the same as the person placing the order, please put that person’s name in the order notes. ID must match either the name for the order or the name in the notes.
All coupons, unless otherwise specified, can be stacked and used together – so go nuts and have fun!